The four-bedroom home sits on a typical urban site facing east. The ground floor is utilized by the car parks, home office, help quarters, and entrance lobby. The first floor comprising the double-height family space, formal living room, kitchen, and dining is organized around a green deck blurring the distinction between the inside and outside. The four bedrooms comprise the upper levels along with a multipurpose space that spills out to a shaded deck.

The home sitting on a 2400sqft plot seems wedged into the context. This sensibility further articulates the exterior of the building which appears like a chiselled block of stone. The syncopated rhythm of the vertical ribs in the facade cut the direct glare of the sun allowing the soft east light to permeate. The pattern of the stone further accentuates the angular geometry of the ‘wedge’.


Architects : Cadence Architects
Area : 9000 sq.ft.
Year : 2023
Website :

Exterior view of Wedge Villa by Cadence Architects

Exterior view of Wedge Villa by Cadence Architects

Exterior view of Wedge Villa by Cadence Architects

Exterior view of Wedge Villa by Cadence Architects

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Informal living of Exterior view of Wedge Villa by Cadence Architects

Informal living of Exterior view of Wedge Villa by Cadence Architects

Informal living of Exterior view of Wedge Villa by Cadence Architects

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Formal living of Exterior view of Wedge Villa by Cadence Architects

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