

Photographer : PHX India

The Clients well known in the industry wanted their Corporate headquarter to express the values of the Company i.e. a smart space that clearly means work yet inspiring with a transparent & functional working environment. 

‘Less is More’ forms the design philosophy for this 7000 sq. ft. corporate headquarter spread across two floors in Mumbai. The blueprint of the office is that of an open plan, emphasizing function-driven zoning with cabins along the periphery and a central workspace for collaboration and learning. 

The design focuses on keeping the materials simple and elements minimal whilst using artwork and furniture pieces to add character & color throughout. The interiors strike a balance between rustic and speck of flamboyance. The monolithic walls in concrete immerse into the ceiling which is balanced with the glossiness of Italian marble flooring & warmth of wood. 
This seemingly minimal aesthetic is designed with a live green landscape around the periphery of the office alongside the windows. The landscape element acts as a screen cutting the glare from the outside resulting in softly illuminated interior spaces thereby reducing the need for any artificial lighting. 


Architects : KNS Associates
Area : 7000 sq. ft.
Year : 2022

The internal landscape not only adds to the spatial experience of the office but also keeps the environment fresh for the otherwise mundane office set up.  ‘Art’ as a design element in this office space plays an instrumental role in adding colour and character which adds to the overall essence of the space.  

Overall the design of the office is functional yet artistic with its clean lines and crisp design elements in a monochromatic color palette. 

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