The clients wanted the house to be a good fusion of contemporary and tropical styles. They were looking forward to bringing in an ample amount of light and ventilation in the building. The exterior of the house reflects the contemporary style of architecture with vertical lines running parallel to one another defining the mass and void of the building whereas horizontal lines define a hierarchy of different levels in the building. The vertical lines highlighted by stone cladding balances the humble color palette used in the building's exterior.

As one enters the building premises, they are welcomed by a water body at the entrance door and the enchanting sound of the bells that hangs from the pergola shading the complete doorway. The main entrance opens to the foyer unit having the collection of artifacts secured by the client over the period. As one transcends further, they are taken aback by massive internal courtyards on either side of the walkway that connects to the living area. The courtyard on the right facing the road opens to the sky through an L- shaped skylight that creates an invisible veil between the internal and external landscape. 

The meticulously crafted MS framework with glass covering allows the eastern sunlight to enter the house by creating patterns on the wall and the floor enhancing the architectural beauty of the house. On a rainy day, watching the rainwater cascade down the glass wall creates an entirely different backdrop to the house they live in.


Architects : ID+AS Architects
Area : 4100 sq. ft.
Year : 2021
Website :

Exterior view of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Living room of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Living room of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Living room open view of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

The living area adjacent to the courtyard is lit in a warm palette of colors and veneer flooring connects the warm living area to the adjacent green courtyard. The courtyard on the left opens up to a skylight that lights up the space in the second half of the day.

Living with courtyard of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

L shaped skylight of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

L shaped skylight of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Dining of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Kitchen of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Puja room of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Puja room courtyard of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

A traditionally designed pooja room sits in the center of the courtyard. The traditional pillars supporting the chamfered roof were custom-made and imported from Kerala to add the traditional touch to the contemporary concepts. Parallelly located, the cantilevered wooden staircase takes one to the next floor. The first floor is designed more as a private zone with 2 bedrooms and a family area which further opens to the large balcony at the eastern facade of the building. The bedrooms have a mixture of light and dark color palettes with redwood flooring. 

Staircase of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Family area of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Skylight of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

The private family area serves as a common space to this floor. This area connects the courtyard at the lower level and still keeps the privacy of the user intact. One gets to see the drama of light and shadow through a closer lens. The family area opens to the balcony on the eastern facade of the house where one can experience the richness of the surrounding greenery The second-floor houses only a barroom with the rest of the area dedicated to an open terrace. Part of the open terrace area is covered by the water body with the larger part covered by the planters.

Skylight of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Master bedroom of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Sons bedroom of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Bar area space of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Bathroom of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Master Bathroom of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Family balcony of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Waterbody of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Entrance waterbody of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Elevation of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Ground Floor Plan of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

First Floor Plan of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

Second Floor Plan of Twin Courtyard House by ID+AS Architects

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