Transforming an office into a calm and inspiring space is an exciting challenge in the fast-paced world of commercial design. Our team had the privilege of undertaking Project T.O.Y, a textile merchant's office, with the aim of creating an environment that emanated tranquility and freshness while fostering productivity and creativity.

The reception and waiting area set the tone for the office's ambience. It offers a glimpse into the workspace, showcasing the guiding theme—a soothing palette of earthy tones with vibrant touches of orange. This colour unifies the spaces, acting as a binding element that connects each area. The infusion of orange in different elements adds energy and warmth to the predominantly corporate and white setting. From subtle accents to distinctive elements, orange became the thread that harmoniously tied the entire office together.

Our aim was to foster a collaborative environment, and we achieved this by incorporating sheer fabric as curtain partitions between the manager's cabin and workstations. These curtains offer privacy when needed while also promoting visual connectivity. We incorporated their own product into the design to enhance the employees' sense of belonging. Colourful fabric was creatively utilized in the workspace's ceiling, forming loose hanging patches that add a fluidity to the space. Each patch is thoughtfully suspended, creating an organic arrangement that fosters unity and togetherness.

Expanding on this concept of fluidity, we extended it to the conference room using a different material. After careful exploration, we opted for the versatility of MDF. Adapting to its limitations and employing computational design techniques, we divided the MDF into smaller, precisely arranged panels. By applying a gradient of colours, we achieved an intriguing installation that amplifies the perception of fluidity.

To address limited natural light, we embraced a reflective white colour scheme, maximizing illumination. Thoughtful space planning integrated storage units with existing columns, ensuring functionality, and contributing to an open and airy atmosphere, allowing the design elements to shine.

In summary, Project T.O.Y. reflects our commitment to designing a workspace that goes beyond the usual. It is an attempt to embody an inspiring sanctuary, achieved through meticulous attention to detail, a harmonious colour palette, innovative material choices, and thoughtful spatial planning. The design elements are carefully crafted to promote collaboration, enhance productivity, and nurture well-being, ensuring that each day spent in the office is infused with a sense of purpose and creative energy.


Architects : Palak Shethia & Atik Bheda Architects
Area : 1900 sq.ft.
Year : 2023
Website :







Cabin Partition

Conference Room

Detailed shot of Conference room

Detailed shot of Conference room




Axonometric Diagram

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