

Photographer : Inclined Studio

The Spruce House is located in DLF Phase 1, Gurugram. The total built-up area of 9105 Sq.Ft. is spanned across two and a half floors. The initial layout sketches and spacial progression revolved around having a well-lit and ventilated home that could satisfy all the family needs and make way for leisure and recreation activities.

The initial layout sketches and spacial progressions revolved around having well-lit and ventilated spaces that could satisfy all the family needs and make way for leisure and recreation activities. It was quintessential that we allowed natural sunlight to flow in and simultaneously enhance the green cover around the built-up area.

One of the challenges while designing the home was a creation of a volume, space, and envelope with a pitched roof yet an accessible terrace while keeping in line with the modern look of the house and not indulging in traditional Indian hilly homes with sloping roofs.

We tried to create these enveloped facade zones which were helping us create an accessible terrace area allowing the closed, semi-open, and open roof spaces on the terrace where the user can enjoy the progression of space volumes also helping us to create different shadow patterns on the terrace.

The modern look of the home was a prime factor while designing the pitched roof, we created an amalgamation of different geometric shapes intertwined together in the form of pitched roofs sliced from the front creating a modern look for the facade.


Architects : Design Acrolect
Area : 9000 Sq. Ft
Year : 2022
Website :

At the entrance, one is greeted by a double-height foyer with a parametric false ceiling. The design layout is all about interconnected spaces and interconnected volumes. Internally all the spaces are free-flowing within one another. The volume of the formal living is connected with the rear court, leaving it with a poolside view. The lowermost floor also constitutes the family lounge and dining area along with an open layout kitchen and two rooms.

The staircase ceiling is in the form of a pitched roof which incorporates a skylight illuminating the complete zone. The upper includes four rooms, a small family lounge, and a recreational area with a view of the parametric ceiling that evokes luxury in its play with materiality, detail, and interconnected volumes from below.

The uppermost floor is purely for recreational activities. It includes a Bar, a Party Hall, Plus a huge overlooking terrace in the front. A segregated entry leads to servant zones. Additionally, grandeur in this project is expressed through the beauty of spatial configurations, lending the space an experiential quality through the incorporation of double-height volumes, pitched spaces, design, and material. This floor also consists of different seating zones with semi-covered areas housed under the pitched elevation roofs. The house sets about to create its form with the veritable play of crisp clear angular planes. All the elevational slopes are enhanced by being simply aligned to one another.

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