The Inner Journey is a weekend house located in Meherabad, Ahmednagar, designed to offer a peaceful retreat for those seeking to get away from the stresses of daily life. Meherabad is the spiritual land of Avatar Meher Baba, and the house is designed to embrace this spiritual connection. The design of The Inner Journey is focused on providing a space for individuals to focus on themselves and their spiritual journey. The open floor plan and large windows allow for ample natural light and offer breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape of Ahmednagar also help for star gazing. The house is designed to promote a sense of calm and relaxation, with minimal distractions and a serene atmosphere.

The interior of the house is minimalist, with clean lines and simple furnishings. The use of natural materials, such as wood, brick and stone (for flooring), adds warmth and texture to the space. The house is designed to be a place of refuge, with every detail carefully considered to create an environment that fosters reflection and inner peace.

The Inner Journey is more than just a weekend house – it is a space for individuals to connect with themselves and their spiritual journey. One of the standout features of The Inner Journey is the exposed brick corbelling wall. Without any top load, this wall is set to be the highest corbel wall ever built. The use of the exposed brick corbelling wall is a nod to the local architecture and the spiritual significance of Meherabad. The wall is not only an architectural feat, but it is also a symbol of strength and resilience. The house is designed to be a place of refuge, where its occupants can find solace in the face of life's challenges.

The house features a floating plinth that prevents reptiles from climbing onto the plinth and accessing the house. Additionally, the house includes a small gutter around the periphery to prevent insects from entering. The design was inspired by an Indian tradition in which food offered to the gods (Naivaidya) is surrounded by water.

The plinth also serves as a multipurpose water body or pond, which can be used for swimming in the summer and as an area for a bonfire in the winter. The butterfly roof creates the illusion of a floating or flying house in nature. The roof has a wooden ceiling that extends from the interior to the exterior, embracing the sky. The open-to-sky toilet connects with nature, and the partition wall between the kitchen and toilets is made of granite. All electrical conduits are designed in an old-fashioned way to create a bold and striking appearance.

The house offers a unique blend of contemporary design and spiritual connection, creating a space that is truly one-of-a-kind. The Inner Journey is designed to offer a peaceful retreat to its occupants. It features a spacious living area, a kitchen, and bathrooms. The house is designed to promote an indoor-outdoor lifestyle, with large windows and sliding doors that open up to the outside, allowing the natural landscape to become part of the interior.

The use of natural materials, such as metal sections, glass, and stone, provides a contemporary feel while also blending seamlessly with the surroundings. The materials used in the construction of The Inner Journey are carefully selected to create a sense of harmony with the environment. The use of natural stone and wood helps to bring the outdoors inside, while the steel sections and glass provide a modern touch. 

"Amidst the natural elements of exposed brick, wood, stone, and glass, 'The Inner Journey' weekend house serves as a reminder to focus on the one element that truly matters - yourself."


Architects : Tres Atelier
Area : 1800 sq.ft.
Year : 2022
Website :

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