

Photographer : Ishita Sitwala | The Fishy Project

Located in an opulent residential neighborhood of Surat, Neogenesis + Studi0261 has revamped the existing bungalow on a 2500 sq. Ft plot into a fresh, minimalist and modern café. The café’s mood and ambiance echo in its name “The Flat White- Coffee house”. The brief from the client was straightforward–to create something fresh and young. The core idea was to set apart this space in people’s minds with its quaint monochrome design palette with shades of whites and greys. The building materials as well as landscaping elements were kept to their natural forms and followed the steps to making minimalism as a design approach. 

The rectangle floor plan is organized around a central coffee bar which allows a visual connection between the seating area and the barista’s area. The layout features a double-heighted sitting space, indoor sitting, and outdoor sitting with the main bakery being on the upper floor. Only 50% floor space is built while the other floor space is beautifully landscaped and weaved into a green oasis jungle that can contain a million memories. The layout offers the fresh coffee aroma from the brewing counter to tantalize the senses upon entering. Clean, minimalist surfaces are deliberately designed as a neutral background for people, activities and coffee to take over. Lush green foliage is popped upon against the stark backdrop.

The counter for barista is cast in situ concrete finish with a wooden top flanked by wooden barstools. Adjacent to the main coffee brewing counter a double-heighted sitting space is decorated with modern graffiti and organically placed lamps. The lightness and calm atmosphere emerge from the open space, high ceiling and good light. Inconspicuous play of light and shadow, casted by the sun through the skylight and café windows into the interior, enhances the subtle interior palette. Softening the cafe are numerous indoor plants, ample sunny outdoor sitting and modern art. The subtle canvas created highlights each piece of furniture that is carefully curated keeping in mind the soul of the place. The sleek modern furniture pieces in wood and metal are to adorn the space. Wooden accents and graphic pop-ups are elements to complete the modern experience. 


Architects : Neogenesis+Studi0261
Area : 2195 sq ft
Year : 2021
Website :

Seating varies from the classic "for two" table, seating on a bench amidst the cozy landscaped outdoor, a table for groups to individual bar stools at the brewing counter, a room which creates a perfect working and reading environment; catering various situations and moods. The outdoor seating is created as a public favourite spot with pleasant seating in the leaves’ shade. Endearing chairs and small tables form intimate niches.

To add to the charm is the bright whiteness of the minimalist colour selection which helps to create a luminous environment in which one can enjoy the freshly brewed coffee. The main idea was to create a calm space amidst the chaos of the world.

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