

Photographer : Inclined Studio

“Like Epicures once said, good food, good friends and good wine is the perfect way to live the life.”
" I wanted a place where I can enjoy and live with my people.” the client Mr. Yash Vasant briefed the concept for his house. “The house should be the place where I can take a pause from my daily routine, energize and get back to routine.” He added. Thus this became the purpose of building this weekend home. The client wanted his 3BHK with a library hall, a home theatre and a bar area included with common functions like the living room and kitchen areas.

The plan of the house is simply distributed on two floors without disturbing each activity.  The ground floor of the house is consisting of the living room, kitchen and dining areas, bedrooms, and library (study) areas. The first floor is provided with the Indoor Game Area, Lounge Area, home theatre, and bar. The outdoors of each floor has good spaces where they can sit and enjoy nature. 

As the home is intended to be a gathering and celebrant space, it is designed in an inclusive nature which strengthens the bond between the client and his guests. The gathering areas are mainly divided into three loops called an indoor gathering, deck gathering, and outdoor gathering. The indoors and outdoors are intricately harmonized with each other with a deck area at the ground floor. When the site was handed over, there are many existing trees and vegetation which are kept untouched and placed functions accordingly. 

The rectangular house is placed on a square plinth longitudinally placed in an east-west direction. At the north, an exposed concrete frame at the first floor clearly directed towards the entrance porch of the house.  The floating steps beneath the frame lead towards the pivoted entrance of the house.  As soon as one enters through the doors, a large, living room is visually connected to the deck area at the south. The fenestrations and doors are placed in a manner that clearly gets the views outside.  


Architects : Vihar Fadia Architects
Area : 7000 sq. ft.
Year : 2021
Website :

Walking towards the south, there are bedrooms placed in west face while you will have a glance of the kitchen and library covering the east face. While walking more towards the south, there is a sliding opening connecting a swimming pool placed in the southwest. An infinity-edged pool not just enhances the aesthetics but also severs climatically. The deck east to the deck is planned for recreational activities. A concrete staircase projected from the pool leads to the upper floor.

A small terrace welcomes you at the first floor as you step up the stairs. The upper floor is provided with the home theatre, bar space, and a poker game area.  The door opens in the large lounge area that emphasizes the casual gathering. The lounge area is decorated with modern bright colored furniture that breaks the raw look of the interior.  The full-height glass façade to the home theatre is given so that it does not break the outside views. The contrasting flooring became the odd-out yet harmonized element for the poker game area. All with the raw looks, bright-modern interior, openings and direct views to the outside help to create and maintain inclusivity.  Coming back to the terrace, the glass deck extinction above the pool gives the feeling of walking over the water.

The entire hose is built in exposed materials. The exposed look of the materials is inspired by the brief of the client which focuses on the bonds and quality. The exposed exterior of the building intricately emerges with the surrounding landscape. To enhance the experience of the exposed materials the designing of the interior elements are also kept in their raw look.  The exposed surfaces and open ceilings purely give the glace of the industrial revolutionary architectural era. The selections of brightly colored furniture, art pieces and floorings help to break the raw look of the interiors and tell out for the modernity. Although two different styles are selected to design the house it does not break or overruled the characteristics of each other but simply harmonizes with each style. With this inclusive nature this building serves for the purpose for what it was built- the gatherings.

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