A home for God on highest pedestal and deeply rooted family, Sanctum villa is a temple centric design attaining the client requirements of a sanctuary within their abode. The design started with understanding the previous family house consisting of an elderly father with two sons, their respective families and a daughter. Temple being the vital element in the existing household held the largest room and was extensively decorated. Other necessities included private bedrooms for each of the member along with recreational spaces like theater, snooker area, gym and pool. 

An east- west aligned s ite along with green spaces, a private backyard lying on East and common front yard was the playground of our design. Given the alignment, house was fit right in the centre providing a thoughtful buffer on either sides for entrance spaces and landscape respectively. ‘Shunya’ of this villa is its elegant temple space flaunting the color white of peace and grandeur, subtly contrasted by the dynamic herringbone flooring patterned water body it is islanded within. This offered a ‘C’ shaped form of the villa benefitting into a two-winged breakout serving maximum privacy for both brothers on top floor and semi private and private spaces on the ground along with an elemental play of facades. 


Architects : VPA Architects
Area : 11,200 sq. ft.
Year : 2023
Website : https://instagram.com/vpaarchitects?utm_medium=copy_link

Exterior view of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Exterior view of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Exterior view of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Entrance of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Entrance Courtyard of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Entrée to the home is enriched by a feature, stone and corten steel clad façade with shaded porosity facing west. The double height louvered opening on this façade helps bring the west breeze, breaking direct sunlight and elevating the elevator (staircase). Entering the main door from the centre of greens and an overhead canopy which dramatizes the light, the first unhindered sight becomes the one leading to the window surrounded temple – laid within depth of a linear perspective. The north wing houses semi private spaces including double height living, extended verandahs along with a guest accommodation with a wellness washroom enjoyed by all families. The other wing houses a master bedroom, kitchen and dining room opening up to backyard space. The back of the villa is occupied by service areas with separate entries making it hidden from the main house. 

An extended deck serves as the best recreational spill connecting with the private garden on east, accessed to comfortable weather throughout the day. Interactive leisure spaces including gym and snooker room overlook the deck, stitching the design with views and vibes. Leveling down, poker room and home theater are the best basement leisure spots of the villa. Poker room opens up to green spill out giving ample light within the notional dungeon. 

Entrance Courtyard of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Entrance Courtyard of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Waterbody and Pooja room of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

West parts of the house are utilized in storage spaces. Visual along with spiritual connect was kept in mind during the whole design process which led in designing movement around the temple through ‘C’ form; subconsciously resulting into ‘pradakshina’ or ritual round around the sanctum with every walk through the rooms above and below. Climbing up, both wings transition from an angelic sky-lit passage to bedrooms of brothers opening to balconies looking towards backyard– a harmonious light shade play evolves into ‘openness within privacy’. These sky lights above passages provide for ample light creating a light structural feel and are equipped with curtains to control the light whenever necessary. Passages have been developed with passive techniques of vents overhead for heat to escape. The southern façade on first floor flaunts an aluminum screen to cut direct sunlight beautified with shadow patterns within. Daughter and the kids’ room are lesser utilized spaces allocated on the western or the front side opening out to respective balconies. 

Waterbody and Pooja room of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Pooja room of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Double Height Living Room of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Outline of the design is a hidden treasure within truss beams, clad with board connected to façade beams. Since Bhuj sits in earthquake zone 5, which is highest prone zone, truss beams are utilized for longer beams. Entrance canopy is framed within metal enhancing the linear central connect. Concrete frame along with subtle texture paints create aesthetic minimal palette. GS screens are perforated screens on facades of the villa, inspired by the traditional houses, to visually connect levels but break direct heat and maintain privacy. 

Landscape of villa is kept minimal with zen entry space surrounded by greens on both sides of passage. The backyard deck is multipurpose semi open space directly spilling into greens for private functions and gatherings. Interior spaces are illuminated with natural light concluding into consciously picking darker grey, veined flooring imitating the cotton steel clad front façade which created a material language. All the interior is kept minimal and homogenously mixing with the architecture and landscape creating a well articulated harmony within and without. 

Formal living room of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Formal living room of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

A congruent space in interiors catering to different user tastes within a singular family was the foremost milestone achieved in designing the project. Drawing room is visualized as minimal chic yet formal space. A fairly simplistic interior is articulated with cotton steel clad wall on one side and subtle metal mural on the other wall along with elegant fabrics. The double height living space is lit at all times of the day and extends into the dining space decorated by neutral blue and grey toned fabrics, adding a color to the informal space sheathing both three sitter sofas and chair clusters including all of the family. Dining table is a statement piece of furniture garnished by two hanging dome glass lights extending to a neutral kitchen. 

Dining of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Indoor Courtyard of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

The common spaces of villa are edged by wooden floors. Temple door is very distinctively designed with a tapered brass handle with an ‘om’ motif. Family composition has young three children- two daughters and a son among the brothers. The children sleep with their respective parents allowing a freedom in designing the kids’ room utilized mainly as play area. Housing only a study and bed, this room was made playful with colorful spatter and open space. Fluidity in interior spaces is seen with colors of fabrics and artwork of different geometries, whereas furniture is sturdy and minimal with thick wooden members mainly. Unlike the homogenous subtle tone of rest of the villa, spaces like snooker room is made unique with an eye catching graffiti wall on one side. Similarly, gym and poker room are abstracted with the artwork and colored ambiance. 

Indoor Courtyard of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Staircase of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

View from staircase of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Upper floor corridor of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Bridge of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Guest Bedroom of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

The rooms were designed with unique requirements. The daughter’s bedroom was designed with a staged four post bed and an elaborated study as the primary requirement whereas with changed design briefs, the brother’s bedroom finally housed a bunk bed, mini fridge and pantry along with the initially required study, double bed and couch space. 

The light fittings are kept elegant with glass as the main material reflecting to the wooden flooring and creating an aesthetic appeal. The beauty of this project is the perfect amalgamation of architecture, interior and landscape resulting into masterpieces like reflections of temple because of the water body and flooring patterns or diffused sunlight due to screens and skylights with a lot of perforations creating visual connect and elegance in the space!

Master Bedroom 1 of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Master Bedroom 2 of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Children's Bedroom of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Sister's Bedroom of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Upper Floor Staircase of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Upper Floor Staircase of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Toilet and Bathroom of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Garden of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Deck of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Dusk light exterior view of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

West Elevation of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

East Elevation of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

North Elevation of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

South Elevation of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Basement Floor Plan of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Ground Floor Plan of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

First Floor Plan of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Section CC of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Section EE of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

Section GG of Sanctum Villa by VPA Architects

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