At the first glance its obvious to the eye, 
Along the simple lines, 
A curve to the edges, 
Pave the way of existence for yet another day.

While drafting the blueprints, 
Translating dreams and visions into experiences, 
In joyous guidance of the nature through the large openings, 
The ripples of the water that translates into the language of the space.

There is a visual romance, 
Where movement meets stillness, 
Where art meets architecture, 
Where creativity meets details and technicalities. 

Between encounters and conversational pieces, 
Where flutes in different ratio and materiality, 
Spills into so many rooms, 
An essence providing meaning to all forms.

I proclaim a motionless dance, 
A transition from one materiality to another, 
User and functionality rhythm together 
Creating a harmony for all.


Architects : Studio Detailine
Area : 4500 sq.ft.
Year : 2022
Website :

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