People's Architecture Office explores the potential of ventilation shafts as a building module in a world that has begun to embrace shipping containers and concrete pipes as an effective building blocks. The strength, durability, and availability of the material make it a ready-to-use material, lest the world hits a dystopian low and needs an easy material to its rescue!


Architects : People's Architecture Office
Year : 05-10-2018 00:00
Website :

On its 165th anniversary, Lane Crawford, a luxury superstore based in Japan commissioned the People's Architecture Office to create installations that explore vertical living in the future. 
PAO imagined the fabric of modern living- immaculately designed exteriors held together by hidden ventilation shafts and other mechanical structures and turned it inside out. With the tubular shafts now taking the center stage, the resultant installation is a maze of vertical and horizontal metallic shafts with designated spatial functions.

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