One arrives at Shobha City- a brilliantly simulated and articulated suburb created by the Shobha Developers amidst 1000 acres of lush green paddy fields, hosting luxury apartments, an artificially created lake, independent residences and a mall. Client Paul is a talented musician, percussionist, and a contemporary dancer cum tutor. Raaga is a Corporate Lawyer as well as a jewellery designer. The requirement is a contemporary Apartment interior planning and styling.

Integrated along an orthogonal grid design, the major challenge was to break away from the rigid framework of a multi storied built structure by inducing a dynamic vocabulary to the interior spaces in coherence with the client behaviour. Two major threads of thoughts which guided the concept for designing this space were: The Axis and  The “Ground”.

Realising the flow of spaces and also a release from the rigid volume were the primary factors influencing this concept. In order to achieve this, the major axis running along the longitudinal section of the apartment was slightly pivoted and shifted. The formal living along the axis was made into a slightly raised platform, 12 cms above the original floor level. This space was designed such that it can also be interchangeably used as a dance podium or a western classical performance stage or even a partying area depending upon the user preference. The introduction of levels also helped to inundate the differentiation in spatial volume.

Bridging the gap between the interior liveable spaces with the exterior vistas and landscape was the primary focus of this concept. This connection between man and nature was re- established by introducing a balcony garden. This landscaped balcony was textured using vertical garden and synthetic grass flooring. Sliding and folding doors where used to achieve maximum ventilation and views, thereby breaking away from the confinements of walled enclosures into the serenity of nature. Three different moods types were visualised through softscaping and other materials in our design:
1. Mood 1- Complete closure- was achieved by full walled curtains thereby creating intimate and private spaces.
2. Mood 2- Semi open enclosure- was achieved by opening the view to the vertical garden with drapes pulled apart.
3. Mood 3- Non- defined enclosure/ open enclosure- was achieved with open windows where nature is brought inside the interior space or the livable space extends to the balcony garden


Architects : Architecture Amalgam
Area : 1745 sq.ft.
Year : 2018
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