'Nihaaram' is an attempt to celebrate the warmth of traditional Kerala architecture. The house is set amidst paddy fields in Pattambi, Palakkad. The clients a young couple with their daughter wanted an abode that holds the traditional elements such as courtyard, verandahs, pitched roof, natural materials etc.  

The site has a water body (natural pond) which creates a microclimate inside the site. The 'poomukham' overlooking the pond and the paddy fields is placed in a way that the cool breeze from the pond and the fields can be experienced. The transition from the poomukham to the formal living has a small water body in between, these elements along with the courtyard give the sense of co-existence with nature. 

The transition spaces, cross ventilation, play of light and shadows and the indoor thermal comfort are some of the main factors addressed during the design process. 'Nihaaram' has an open planning. The formal living, family living, dining and the kitchen is placed around the internal courtyard. The courtyard plays an important role in regulating the indoor thermal comfort. 

Coming to the material palette, locally sourced Laterite stones are used for construction of the walls and are left exposed without plastering which helps in reducing the heat gain. The roof tiles and the wooden pillars are reused ones sourced locally. The interiors of the house reflect its traditional elements, the antique pieces and the wooden furniture's enhances the house’s rich heritage and warmth of traditional Kerala architecture.


Architects : Padav Design Collective
Area : 2400 sq. ft.
Year : 2023
Website : https://www.instagram.com/padav_design_collective?igsh=NzJsY3N4Z3Mzemtp

Porch of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Verandah of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Living room of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Indoor Courtyard of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Indoor Courtyard of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Family living of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Dining of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Dining and Staircase of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Bedroom of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Bedroom of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Dusk light exterior view of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Elevation of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Ground floor plan of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

First Floor Plan of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

Section of Nihaaram by Padav Design Collective

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