

Photographer : Maulik Patel / Inclined Studio, Varun Patel

The brief from the client was to design a Children’s clinic. The requirements were to create a reception, waiting area, Doctor’s consultation room, and a daycare space with a single bed and seating space for the caretaker, we went for an open plan concept. Partitions were used as envelopes to define spaces and could be moved, as and when required. 

The space is being used by the kids hence the idea was to make it playful, easy, and fun to be. As Doctor’s clinics are generally intimidating for children and the children who generally come to visit the Doctor is unwell. We wanted the space to be warm and inviting to make them feel comfortable, secure, and happy. 

The Clinic is divided into two main spaces – one is Doctor’s consultation area and another one – that combines reception, waiting, and the daycare space. For the latter space, we designed an envelope to separate out the daycare area. The envelope is designed with two adjacent curves. The corners at which the two curves meet are also made round, to create a smooth and easy curvilinear form. The entire width of the curve is painted in a pastel tone to create the playfulness in the space. The daycare area when in use, can be separated through Glass sliders. The same space becomes an extension of the waiting area, during other times. 


Architects : UA Lab (Urban Architectural Collaborative)
Area : 40 sq. m.
Year : 2021
Website :

We went for materials in their natural tone. Birch ply is used for envelopes in its natural tone. The envelopes are designed with strips of Birch ply. This gives a rhymic effect to the space. Dual tone polish is used on the Birch surface. Pastel tones of pink and grey are used. These pastel tones compliment each other to create a warm and playful space for children to be there and be comfortable with their parents.

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