A Residence for Three Families in a Bustling Urban Setting: Integrating North Light and Cultural Connection.

The residence they're showing is evidence that functionality, elegance, and a deep awareness of the surroundings can all coexist. The building was situated in a confined urban area, therefore the initial challenge was to construct a sensible floor plan that could fit all the needs inside a 40'x40' plot. Due to the neighbourhood's high population, where most residences had problems receiving natural light and ventilation, this undertaking was made more challenging. This restriction was also in place at the client's previous home.

The use of north light as a guiding element is at the core of our architectural approach. The numerous spaces on each floor were filled with this natural light, which was used to its best extent. They intended to maximise daylight penetration and produce a warm and inviting ambiance inside the interiors by installing large windows in strategic locations. Their goal was to make urban living easier while yet ensuring that each room was well-ventilated and lit by natural light.

The residence comprises three floors, each of which serves a distinct family's needs. Three bedrooms and an open living and dining area are featured on each floor. The emphasis on community living promoted by open-plan architecture facilitates contact and shared experiences among family members. Each story also has a northern balcony that spans the street, fostering a strong sense of connection with the area and its residents—a fundamental idea profoundly ingrained in the local way of life.

[{"value":"Chennai"},{"value":"Tamil Nadu"},{"value":"India"}]

Architects : Madras Spaces
Area : 4000 sq. ft.
Year : 2023
Website : https://www.instagram.com/madras_spaces/

Exterior view of N House by Madras Spaces

The lower part of the house is defined by rich brickwork, infusing warmth into its design

The north-facing balcony serves as a defining feature of the façade

The use of brick creates a strong, home-scale expression in the façade

They utilised local bricks and local craftsmanship to create a seamless connection with the surroundings, appreciating the enduring beauty and authenticity client contribute to the project. The use of regional resources not only celebrates the history of the area but also assures a sustainable approach by lowering transportation costs and boosting local employment. The resulting facade exudes a sense of stability and integration into the urban fabric, as well as a natural elegance.

Interior as a serene sanctuary, offering respite from the busy world

Tranquility reigns as a soothing palette of white fosters a relaxed and peaceful ambiance

Finally, their architectural proposal exhibits a residence designed with the utmost care and attention to the distinctive features of its urban surroundings. They have built a home that not only satisfies the basic needs of its occupants but also contributes significantly to the cultural fabric of the region by exploiting the northern light, creating relationships with the community, and using local materials. The ability of design to transform environments and improve lives is demonstrated by this residence.

A calm and tranquil retreat from the busy outside world

The defining element of façade design, the north-facing balcony, floods the house with radiant light

North facing balcony of N House by Madras Spaces

Capturing the essence of our design, corner windows seamlessly open up to breathtaking bedroom views

Northern elevation of N House by Madras Spaces

Western elevation of N House by Madras Spaces

Unit floor plan of N House by Madras Spaces

Section through the balcony of N House by Madras Spaces

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