A Load-bearing structure positions two residential blocks diagonally within a rectangular space, allowing the retention of existing mango trees. This design not only optimizes space but also harnesses the trees to create a microclimate, countering the harsh climate. One block maximizes space with two bedrooms, while the other combines a kitchen and open-shower bathroom under the tree canopy. Pillared and glass-covered corridors connect the blocks, featuring exposed brick structures and reclaimed wood elements. It also houses a natural pool with local fish. This sustainable design harmoniously coexists with nature, offering a distinctive living space that blends innovation and eco-consciousness.

[{"value":"Mukteshwarapuram"},{"value":"Andhra Pradesh"},{"value":"India"}]

Architects : The Empty Hour Design Studio
Area : 1500 sq. ft.
Year : 2022
Website : https://www.instagram.com/teh_design_studio/

Exterior view of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

Exterior view of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

Exterior view of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

Courtyard of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

Bedroom of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

First Floor Lobby of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

First Floor Deck of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

First Floor Deck of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

First Floor Deck of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

Bathroom of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

Bathroom of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

Bathroom of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

Foyer of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

Detailed shot of exposed brick wall of Moments and Earth by The Empty Hour Design Studio

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