

Photographer : Jorge Taboada

Located in the Fundidora Park in Monterrey, the Mexican Baseball Hall of Fame is one more stop and reference in the itinerary along the Santa Lucia creek that vertebrates the park. Half way between the central Macro plaza and the main park attractions, the project fills a void in the vitality of the itinerary.

The site itself, was defined by a pre-existent parking lot that had to be housed in the project. It determined the form of its basement and footprint as a first formal definition.
The design solution had to respond to program needs and mutations along the design, construction and lifespan phases of the building. It was to house a revived institution: The Mexican Baseball Hall of Fame and required a flexible and spacious structure while at the same time offer a celebratory expression for an important national sport, it's history and legacy.
On top of a base that replicates the pre-existent parking arrangement, the design was developed with an external form that resonates with the characteristic profile of Monterrey's hilly landscape and refers to the material and chromatic repertoire of the original Fundi Dora constructions.

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Architects : Daniel López Salgado & Partners
Year : 2019
Website :

The main program is mostly housed in the ground floor in a very simple two bays arrangement. One bay houses the main access, exhibition and event functions of the program, while the other complements it with service, administrative and storage purposes. This rule is modified in the ends of the secondary bay by housing the cafeteria to the east and a child's library on the west. This creates access opportunity on one end and a big event plaza on the other.

A sequence of vaulted spaces constitutes the main bay. It is punctuated by a transverse big vault that underlines and connects the presence of an underground pantheon for the Hall of Fame itself, an auditorium and the only significant vertical connection to an upper floor.

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