

Photographer : Harish Gupta

Designing an Office space for an Architect, the brief revolved around his subjective character which would ultimately resonate his design philosophy and way of life. Progressing with the initial stages of discussion the brief synthesized to a conclusion of creating a robust, ingenuous and a resolute space which would echo the shadows of the client’s outlook.

The site shares an open space which looks out on to the Sahyadri ranges that run parallel to the town containing the site. Clamped within close proximity to the site, the idea was to unveil their nature within the outdoors, so as the space would nestle around them.

The Indoors are wrapped in black and the building structure retained immature to balance the smooth and greasy surfaces of steel. The central space is bordered with thick and heavy mild steel members (cladded with carbon steel sheets) acting as the Master’s Den dominating and overlooking the Studio.

The built forms, ceiling surfaces, furniture finishes, flooring textures, originate from the contextual accordance and the factor of boldness, thus, creating a monumental gesture.


Architects : Sanket Jangam & Ameya Deokar
Year : 2019
Website :

The subordinate spaces like Pantry and restrooms are cornered so their functions remain undisturbed and private.

The transition spaces adapt coherent nature to unify the adjacent spaces and are dressed with materials like Sleeper Wood planks, Cement finished floors, and gravel courts evolving through the terrace.

An art room has been housed which inherits a completely diverse material palette to break the monotonous behaviour of the space. Wall painting and lighting cheer up the entire space and a niche in the roof brings reasonable skylight into the space.

Design is the only mode of communication accentuates the attention to details which in turn adds to its vocabulary. The signage graphics, furniture elements, floor transitions being key elements of the language.

Being the first project of our professional journey, the experiences the learnings and the interactions have been quiet enlightening and memorable.

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