

Photographer : Spaces Architects @ka

Glulam is an upcoming venture showcasing various uses of wood using Glulam Technology. The client wanted to display the fine quality of the imported, primarily Canadian, wood and the technology behind the product called Glulam Technology, which uses special techniques for the pasting of individual high strength kiln-dried pieces of lumber.

The aim was to inform the end users about the benefits of the products and educate them about the highest quality that is less known to the Indian market. Occupying a former warehouse in New Delhi, the brief was to design a 2500 sqft showroom adjacent to their workshop showcasing different Door Window Systems.

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Architects : Spaces Architects @ka
Year : 2019

The interior space has a dark and a monochromatic theme in which colors are been added through the products making them as the focal point. We kept an open plan with view of the workshop from the conference making it interactive for the visitors. The showroom has been conceptualized as a narrative of wood that surrounds the space with design elements animated from wood.

The ceiling has also been designed on the same lines, waiting area backlit ceiling reflects the age grains, as we move inside we have a suspended ceiling made of three different wood color stains revealing wooden grains and the artwork on the bedroom ceiling is an interpretation of grains through the eyes of an artist. We also experimented with this technology for wooden furniture used in the showroom. A small outdoor green area has also been planned to showcase the durability of wood in the external factors.

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