In the heart of rural tranquility in Mysore, a visionary project has taken shape to commemorate the iconic actor Dr. Vishnuvardhan. This memorial transcends its role as a mere architectural endeavor; it is a testament to the transformative power of design in fostering community dialogue and social change.

From the inception of this project, their architectural team set out with a clear objective - to create a space that would not only honor the memory of Dr. Vishnuvardhan but also serve as a hub for social transformation. They envisioned a space where the local community could come together to discuss and address the vital social and civil issues of their time.

The immediate surroundings of the memorial presented unique challenges. They observed that the location was not inherently welcoming. However, rather than imposing a stark contrast to the natural beauty of the site, they sought to work in harmony with the landscape. 

At the heart of this memorial is the towering Memory Monument, a tribute that transcends conventional memorials. Its design is emblematic of Dr. Vishnuvardhan's charisma. The structure, crafted entirely from fine metal is in the shape of a “kada" (famously worn as lucky charm by Dr. Vishnuvardhan), reaches an imposing height of three meters above the lower ground, symbolizing the actor's towering presence in the world of cinema and in their collective memory.


Architects : M9 Design Studio
Area : 22000 sq. ft.
Year : 2023
Website :

Exterior view of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Exterior view of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Exterior view of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Courtyard of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Courtyard of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Outdoor passage of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Outdoor passage of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Corridor of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Corridor of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Staircase of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Staircase of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Photo Gallery of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

The photo gallery is a discovery path that winds around the memorial tells a story. It features unseen photographs of Dr. Vishnuvardhan in iconic characters, reminiscent of his legendary on-screen roles. It is a space where visitors can engage with the actor's legacy, much like the way they engage with his films. It has become a beloved attraction for tourists and film enthusiasts alike. It is not just a repository of visual memories but a dynamic space that acts as an entry/exit point for visitors and artists. It facilitates a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor activities and serves as a symbolic link to Dr. Vishnuvardhan's enduring legacy.

The building block dedicated to film-related programs is strategically positioned in the southwest zone. It serves as a backdrop to the Memory Monument and the photo gallery, carefully preserving the sanctity of the space. Access to these programs is available by invitation and prior booking, ensuring a level of privacy and exclusivity.

As architects, they are deeply honored to have played a role in the creation of the Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial. It is a project that blends seamlessly with its rural surroundings, offering a contemplative space for the community while paying a fitting tribute to the legendary actor. Their hope is that this memorial becomes a catalyst for meaningful conversations and positive social change in the years to come.

Auditorium of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Auditorium entrance of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Entrance of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Aerial view of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Aerial view of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Auditorium and admin building plan of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Photo gallery plan of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Site plan of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Section through the auditorium of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

Section through the photo gallery of Dr. Vishnuvardhan Memorial Complex by M9 Design Studio

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