

Photographer : Inclined Studio

"Aaranya" an agriculture farmstay is located in rural settings at the edge of Sasan Gir Lion Sanctuary, India; and was designed by Ahmadabad based architect Himanshu Patel from d6thD design studio with overt principle of vernacular architecture in mind. The Mother Earth has enough for everyone's needs, but not everyone's greed. Rather spending millions on the best technology to create the greenest of green building when very few Indians can associate with them and even fewer can afford, architect have came up with simple, established and honest practice offered by vernacular architecture for this down to earth resort.

Roof material is made from terracotta, a material associated with the memory of many family generations, it has become a representative of the image of almost half million Indian villages and so the whole design is evoking this one strong element of Indian architecture- The terracotta tiled roof.
The old construction techniques using rubble stone packed foundation, load bearing exposed natural sand stone walls, brick dome with china mosaic on top and clay tiled roof are not only cost effective and time tested but architect's methodology to create job for local villagers as a beginning step of social sustainability and shared happiness. Every effort has been made to ensure that the cottages remains true to its context and testifies itself to the norms of vernacular architecture.

[{"value":"Bhojade village"},{"value":"Gir lion sanctuary"},{"value":"Gujarat"},{"value":"India"}]

Architects : d6thD design studio
Year : 2019
Website :

Bird eye view of cottages among existing mango trees

It has been decided not to build any fencing around so the livestock could roam uninterrupted across the site

At a glance from front, sloping roof looks like it unites the earth and sky.

Elongated tiled roof shelters the entrance foyer and secures the visual privacy of bedroom.

Stained colored glass panel fills up the landscape with joy and excitement.

Strong element of rural Indian architecture- Terracotta tiled roof forms a distinctive presence yet blended into the landscape

Once the guest is in the cottage, he feels cozy and protected as in a womb.

The Natural skylight from dome above; lit the shower space and that makes the bathing experience more refreshing.

The building will virtually disappear in the near future when the entire roof will be fully covered with creeping plants emerging from the punctured roof and spread on the tiled roof.

Inbuilt sit out at foyer along with twisted sand stone column below roof adds drama into the welcoming gesture.

Use of locally available sandstone and brickwork in its naked form gives very earthy feel

cottage plan and section showing how trees became an inseparable part of the architectural language

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