
Photographer : Rafales Cortes Casas, Johnny Moreno, Luis Moctezuma Gutiérrez Cevada

Renasci is a house with a dense, compact structure and organization, with sober and elegant lines, a basic geometry as well as monochromatic, which remains silent towards the neighborhood and finds its voice within the space, which tries to build an atmosphere of peace and reflection for its inhabitants, where they can reinvent themselves or be reborn.

This is a housing project for a family made up of a mother and her two small children, located in the vicinity of San Andrés Cholula Puebla, which had as its main objective: to be a haven of peace for the family, which came from a complex family process that had demanded a lot from them on a mental as well as spiritual level. This premise gave the first ideas for a simple, pure and open space. A space that provides calm and shelter, where the inhabitants could remake themselves.

On the other hand, the architectural program or sociodynamic organization required the maximum use of space since it seemed to go beyond what seemed to be a logical scheme based on the dimensions of the property, the physical restrictions of the subdivision, and the economic resources. This led the project towards a dense, compact composition, but where a certain spatial freedom was perceived.

The third but not last guideline was the territory and its habitat. When we located in the Cholulas territory, mud was presented as the identifying element for the project, however the habitat or immediate context which is a "residential" subdivision led us to think about another option other than mud, something that was not It came into conflict with the imaginary of the place, but without ceasing to express an architectural stance, thus arriving at the volcanic stone or enclosure, an element that anchors the house to the territory and accounts for the site to which it belongs. So the space of this house is built with volcanic stone, flattened white and light.

Particularly speaking of volcanic stone, it must be said that it was used in three moments, but one of them was the most representative, it is a square lattice wall that is also load-bearing, where the blocks that make up the wall are made up of two pieces that meet on their rough side allowing them to be coupled, while the lengths of the blocks were different, almost as they came from the quarry, which caused the openings and solids to move apart in the Y axis, but remain on the axis X, this with the intention of manifesting its origin which implies imperfection, but also its beauty.

Beauty in what is genuine, in what is in the place, The beauty of the imperfect that denotes its nature, The beauty of craftsmanship, the work with the hands that little by little gives life to an idea, The beauty of stone as an unequivocal symbol of the construction of space.

[{"value":"San Andres"},{"value":"Puebla"},{"value":"Mexico"}]

Architects : Moctezuma Estudio de Arquitectura
Area : 1884 sq.ft.
Year : 2023
Website :

Exterior View Of Casa Renasci by Moctezuma Estudio de Arquitectura

Exterior View Of Casa Renasci by Moctezuma Estudio de Arquitectura

Exterior View Of Casa Renasci by Moctezuma Estudio de Arquitectura

Exterior View Of Casa Renasci by Moctezuma Estudio de Arquitectura

Detailed shots


Living room

Living room + Dinning room

Dining room

Dining room





Bath room











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