Our project named “canopy houses” is Located in the city of Karad, the client brief for this project was to do affordable houses for a medium to low income group , providing all area specification of a row house with  maximum utilities in the given area and budget. The total land area was 500 sq.m , each row house covers an area of 100 sq.m having : Living, Kitchen , Dining , Two bedrooms , terrace , parking / verandah  , utility spaces are provided on an area of 100sqm. As the project brief had very less scope for design due to its requirement of covering all above mentioned areas in 100sqm. The project design was developed understanding the economical factor, necessity of creating multi-functional spaces, yet creating a dynamic structure which has a language and an identity of its own and stands out from the locality. The concept was to create a space which reflects an iconic design and stands strong in the community, giving a whole new identity to affordable low income housing.     

The construction is completely an RCC structure understanding the need to have a long lasting building. The exterior façade has a rough ceramic finish which is fire and water resistant.Placement of the row houses is done with respect to the climatology i.e sun path, wind direction The balconies are provided on the west side which is the major wind direction of the city, south walls are completely dead resisting the excessive sun, and The row houses have major light openings which make them look spacious and lively. Environmental conditions prevailing in the area have given rise to canopies and triangular fins for protection against sun and rain.


Area : 5381.96 sq.ft.
Year : 2021
Website : https://instagram.com/praneel.mulick?igshid=NTE5MzUyOTU=

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