

Photographer : MK Gandhi Studio

Manoj Patel Design studio’s new workspace spreads over a plot area of 1350 sqft. surrounded by the urban fabric, revolves around the play of volumetric masses juxtapose with colorful graphics. Creating an experience of material palettes, touch, and feel, and understanding them in detail was the main idea to create a CO-Working studio space. 

On entering, the studio greets bold adaptive artworks on the entry gateway from clay tiles infused with stone work and colors. A studio’s facelift seems to be a metaphor for the natural habitat around. Floral variations seem to be a sculpturesque line between studio space and art installations. 

Connecting amphitheater inside has a bespoke feature wall with a minimal ceiling that sets to enjoy the celebrations of making an avenue connecting, the design community and becoming a place for experiments, learning, and sharing ideas together.

The visual identity uses bold polychromatic shades with voluminous spaces to convey a vibrant visual of youthfulness and story tales inside the workspace.

A giant translucent metallic door welcomes within the main office space. An elongated spatial arrangement of reception and an informal waiting area signifies an open feature of welcome lobbies. The backdrop mural’s aspiration was to craft clay into delicate wall hangings that are based on curves and create curiosity from around when passersby visit. The lift wall is embodied with the clay tile and mosaics tiles cluster highlighting the variants inside the space.

A series of intensive design layouts gave rise to creating an entertaining triple-height corner of pockets with activities, 3D metal murals, and clay modules on the perpendicular wall. One can visually feel this connectivity through barrier-free openings. Horizontal and vertical curving geometry of colors meticulously introduces a new form of material palette collection on the wall. A new ideology is taken into consideration while designing the triple-height mural wall, which can evolve over time with new ideas exploring fabric for new generations.


Architects : Manoj Patel Design Studio
Area : 4500 sq. ft.
Year : 2022
Website :

Façade explores another surface treatment of the studio’s hand-crafted material details. Strips of vernacular material are oriented to form free florals forms that change accordingly. Overlapping them with subtle blue color and balcony canopies, pops out for the façade volume.

The convertible Principal Architect’s cabin into a conference area collaborates with a sit-out space to have informal conversations and meetings as part of different experiences. Spaces are arranged as pockets of open and enclosed around the central waiting lounge on the first floor.

This waiting lounge is based on the idea of creating a place with unique combinations of organic shapes, neutral colors, and curved graphics on the wall.
The triple-height building connects the spaces via different openings, which mainly acts as punchers for more connectivity.

On the above floors for the staffs work desk, a thoughtful intervention has been added. A bridge with double-height connections within the above 2 floors, to connect with fellow teammates and gets to learn or pass on learning easily without any barriers.  A series of different visual working pockets turn out to be a combination of work, interaction, and relaxation for the staff as well as the clients who visit. 

While traveling from one floor to another there are tile backdrops designed that acts as an engaging storytelling concept inside the studio.

The studio is always willing to experiment with new things and continuously develop them into executions. For this, the office came up with an in-house material studio where the manufacturers can directly interact with the project leads and integrate collaborative processes.  Considering new perspectives and technological upliftments in the same sector, digitalization has also been added to this space. Cantilever balcony projections ensure safety and generate curiosity of communication with one another in the open air. 
Colorful materials display a gradient effect on subtle walls. One of the accent walls exhibits possibilities on materials that can be altered as per applications and can be used numerous times as per the designer’s thoughts.

Co-Working space divides functions based on public and private intervention in the building on above floors. Thinking out of the box, studio incorporated penthouse on the last 2 floors that serves to be relaxing zone for the staff along side introducing the clients to the technologies and layout orientations fitted inside. Barrier free studio living encompasses the open minded spaces yet catering to private needs. An informal high chair seat out on the terrace garden has green and self sufficient biophilic designs that breathe natural light and ventilations. 

Play of mood setting lights and music re establishes connect with working in nature for drawing inspirations and progressive character of mind. 

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