Defining it's everlasting grandeur and scintillating elegance, this residence is named AMARA, derived from the Hindi word, Amar, which means immortal. This residence which evokes a sense of timelessness and longevity, is meticulously designed by 23DC. When the client approached us with the challenge of designing a living space that catered to his various interests and lifestyle, we knew we had to come up with a unique and functional concept. 

The client's love for cooking, working out, reading, and podcasting, along with his son's passion for playing the piano, provided us with a rich source of inspiration to work with. We decided to go for a Nordic-inspired apartment style decor with subtle colors, a hint of pop-out colors, and an emphasis on minimalism. Our aim was to create a cozy and functional living space that would cater to the client's various interests, while also providing ample natural light and space for outdoor sittings. We utilized the available space by having fewer walls, which allowed for plenty of natural light and created an open and airy feel to the living space. 

The different zones of the living space were delineated using subtle changes in color and texture, creating a cohesive and harmonious feel. To create a Nordic-inspired feel, we chose furniture and decor pieces that were simple yet elegant, with clean lines and minimalist designs. We opted for a combination of natural materials such as wood, leather, and linen, and added pops of color with accent pieces such as cushions and rugs. We made sure to incorporate plenty of natural light into the living space to create a peaceful and calming environment. 

The lighting fixtures were carefully chosen to be both visible and effective, without detracting from the overall design. We paid careful attention to the details of the living space, using subtle integrated patterns in the flooring to create a cohesive feel throughout the space. The repeated patterns on each floor added an even effect that contributed to the overall aesthetic. In the entirety, our design for this multifunctional living space successfully balanced the client's various interests and lifestyle, while also creating a harmonious and peaceful environment. The use of subtle colors, Nordic-inspired furniture, and natural materials contributed to a cohesive and elegant aesthetic, while ample natural light and well-designed lighting fixtures added to the peaceful and calming feel of the space. Overall, this living space was a true testament to our ability to create functional and aesthetically pleasing interior design solutions.


Architects : 23DC Architects
Area : 8000 sq. ft.
Year : 2023
Website :

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