The site is located in a residential neighbourhood, 4 km. from the Changanacherry town-centre, in Kerala, India. The site is of an oblong trapezoidal form, with its longer sides oriented approximately in the north-west–south-east direction. It has a flat topography, and is elevated from the road by a height of 1.2 m. The settlement pattern in the site location is that of individual residences set in enclosed compounds of lush green vegetation. The total site area is 4107 sq. m.

They believe in an architecture appropriée (“appropriate architecture”) that evolves from the particularities of its own physical context, the client’s brief and our own design deliberations. The essential process of architectural making, simultaneously organic and intentional, informed by our professional experience and inspired by deep intuitions and clear insights, thus proceeds in a harmonious weaving together of these above-mentioned factors. The process is never formulaic or algorithmic, and its outcome, attested by their own experience, is always wondrous, not only to behold but, more importantly, also to dwell in.

What they have attempted in Alankar Residence is a retrospective and speculative exploration of the notion of dwelling. Through such an exploration, the work aspires to manifesting the basic ideals that sustain architecture, offering a sensorially rich ambiance for life to unfold. At the same time, the work infuses, at the micro-level of a residence project, a certain subtlety and nuance to the prevalent urban reality of Kerala.


Architects : Roy Antony Architects
Area : 4910 sq. ft.
Year : 2019
Website :

Exterior view of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Exterior view of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Porch of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Passage to living area of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Living area of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

The 1.2 m. elevation of the site from the street is made use of in order to redefine the conventional (and ubiquitous) compound wall enclosure and gate. In Alankar Residence, the 3 m. high front boundary wall is made to mark the limit of the site, at the same time act as its “edge” in a more “urban” sense. The articulation of the boundary wall surface involves a solid-void interplay by means of a grilled 3 car garage (offset from the street by 3 m.), a covered pedestrian entrance with wood doors as well as two well-placed apertures of distinct forms which ensure a visual continuity between the street and the enclosed front-yard and the facade of the building.

The main entrance to the building is axial to the pedestrian entrance from the street. To the left of this axis is the gravelled front-yard; to its right is the roof of the garage which is to be transformed into a landscaped terrace. The façade of the building, articulated by double-height columns and solid brick-clad wall, allows for the spatial flow of the front-yard into an L-shaped open-to-sky pool. The double-height formal living room and the dining room spaces face the pool, which, according to the change of weather and seasons, add mood and ambiance to these spaces. The ground floor includes a prayer room, kitchen and service spaces, and two bedrooms as well. The first floor holds a family living room and an additional three bedrooms. The total built area of the residence is 456.17 sq. m. 

Living area of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Dining of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Corridor of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Corridor of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Passage to waterbody of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Alankar Residence plays with spatial volumes to create areas for living, work, leisure, repose and reflection. Given the desire of the client-family to be somewhat reclusive, these spaces are predominantly introverted, focusing around the internal open-to-sky pool. Already, the pool and the reflection of light on the water together effect a play of chiaroscuro (light and shadow/darkness) in the covered spaces around, which is further accentuated by a system of diverse fenestration: louvers, grills and glass- and wood-shuttered windows. 

The inverted-sloped tiled-roof pavilion that covers the terrace, a dominant element in the architectural composition deriving from the tropical-monsoon climatic conditions of Kerala, has not yet been constructed. Still, the building, as it stands presently, is already “complete” in a certain sense. If the client constructs this pavilion one day, it will render the building simply “more complete”. The careful use of diverse materials and finishes for walls and floors such as cement plastering, unplastered brick, wood, glazed cement tiles with geometric pattern and brushed granite extend the visual effect of light- darkness interplay to the tactile realm as well, thus offering the inhabitants a rich sensorial experience of the building.

Waterbody of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Waterbody of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Bedroom of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Main entrance of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Dusk light exterior view of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Front Elevation of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Plans of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Section AA of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

Section BB of Alankar Residence by Roy Antony Architects

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