In the world of architecture, there's a delightful fusion of dreams and design that occasionally brings forth lovely spaces. A young couple recently approached us with a singular dream - to reside within a space that revolved around a serene courtyard. They accepted the challenge with enthusiasm, and what transpired is nothing short of exceptional.

The core idea was to harmoniously stack all their spatial requirements along a robust central axis, with a courtyard that seamlessly functions as the heart and soul of this captivating indoor-outdoor abode. Every room, on every level, was meticulously crafted to offer enchanting views of a lush, green pocket that lay at its center. But this project isn't just about form and function; it's a tribute to tradition and heritage. 

The clients had an enduring affection for the enduring charm of brickwork. Their vision was clear – they wanted bricks to play a pivotal role in connecting their home to architectural heritage. The idea was to create a profound sense of continuity with the past.

[{"value":"Chennai"},{"value":"Tamil Nadu"},{"value":"India"}]

Architects : Studio Dcode
Area : 4200 sq. ft.
Year : 2023
Website :

South East Elevation of Alai by Studio Dcode

North east elevation of Alai by Studio Dcode

Entrance of Alai by Studio Dcode

View from entrance of Alai by Studio Dcode

Informal living area of Alai by Studio Dcode

What ensued was a breathtaking marriage of bricks and intricate patterns, transforming these walls into genuine works of art. Each brick laid with meticulous precision, each pattern meticulously designed; they became storytellers of craftsmanship and creativity. The walls now breathe life into the house, embodying tales of a bygone era while standing as a testament to contemporary artistry.

View from living area of Alai by Studio Dcode

Formal living of Alai by Studio Dcode

Detailed shot of swing of Alai by Studio Dcode

Guest Bedroom of Alai by Studio Dcode

But this modern home is more than just bricks and patterns; it's a harmonious blend of contemporary design and vernacular techniques. The use of filler slabs enhances the structural efficiency of the house, while a rammed earth wall, as an accent, adds a touch of rustic authenticity. Traditional Athangudi tiles, with their vibrant hues and intricate designs, come together with modern sensibilities to create a unique flooring experience. The choice of brickwork in this design is not just about durability; it's about timelessness. The patterns etched into the bricks infuse character into the very fabric of the house. These walls are not mere structural elements; they are a canvas of heritage, a testament to the homeowners' love for the past.

Guest Bedroom of Alai by Studio Dcode

Guest Bedroom of Alai by Studio Dcode

Detailed shot of brick facade of Alai by Studio Dcode

Detailed shot of brick facade of Alai by Studio Dcode

Brickwork patterns of Alai by Studio Dcode

Brick parametrics of Alai by Studio Dcode

Brick parametrics of Alai by Studio Dcode

Ground Floor Plan of Alai by Studio Dcode

First Floor Plan of Alai by Studio Dcode

Second Floor Plan of Alai by Studio Dcode

Section AA of Alai by Studio Dcode

Section BB of Alai by Studio Dcode

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