The client, a doctor with a family of six, wanted to renovate their old house set in rural area. They needed an extra bedroom and more spacious common areas, as well as more natural light inside. The house was built over 25 years ago and had undergone several unplanned changes over time. The design aimed to meet the client's needs within a limited budget.

The dining area was expanded into a double-height space with a full glass wall on the north side to allow maximum sunlight and it has windows on three sides, making it bright and airy throughout the day. The dining and formal living areas overlooked a open to sky courtyard that was formerly a car porch, a fish pond was created here. The facade of the house was extended to cover the new addition, creating a veranda on the ground floor and a balcony on the first floor. Louvers were used on the facade to provide privacy for the balcony and character to the façade. The courtyard also served as an informal entrance for the client from his clinic, the courtyard door was designed in such a way that it that could also function as a window.

On the back side of the house, the old work area was demolished and replaced with a new spacious one. A buffer space was added in between the bedroom and toilet that could be used as a prayer or study area. On the first floor, this space became a larger bedroom. The upper living room overlooked the dining area below, creating a connection between the two floors. The design aimed to achieve a minimalist and clean aesthetic that met the client's needs and budget.


Architects : Grey Collective
Area : 2809 sq.ft.
Year : 2023
Website :

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