[{"value":"Kolkata"},{"value":"West Bengal"},{"value":"India"}]

Architects : Morphlab
Area : 10,000sq.ft.
Year : 2018
Website : morphlab.in

Built in Kolkata as a sales office, the structure also combines the show flat within its fold. The brief called for the facade of the sales office to be an exhibit of how the actual tower would look like. The design was, therefore, an exercise in scalability and modularity.

Panels modeled computationally led to scale-like modules that could be replicated across the facade while also considering parameters such as solar shading and visibility.

The conditions set for the construction of the new gallery demanded the reuse of scrap metal from the existing side. This limitation was turned into an advantage by the innovative fabrication of the metal panels thereby also adding a sustainability component to the design thus reducing its ecological footprint.

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