Hindu mythology revolves around various Vedic literature. It was believed that Vedas were generated by saints which established culture and religion. Admits the evolution, people’s belief in culture and tradition remain static. Being from traditional Hindu family, client’s brief revolves around culture and religion.???? states the power and spirituality of the family and their strong belief on culture and religion.

Traditional houses were substantially constructed from Bricks, Terracotta roofing tile, wooden openings and Patterned flooring. Brick is not just a material to build with but it’s also an Integral material to design with. 

Amalgation of Exposed brick, Valsadi teak wood and FRP jali gives the overall traditional house ambience and binds the space. However, Pattern in the Italian marble states Grandeur ie of family and space. Interrelation of metal, wood, brick and texture blends with the characteristics of each person staying in the house .

Every space of the house has different story to tell but what combines them are design, pattern and use of materials. A contemporary house with classical modern touch of elements along with blend of natural materials were basic design concerns.

Experiencing art is very individual.  Art binds, it explains our feelings and when it comes to hand painting it definitely let an artist connect with its users. They say “Home is where the Heart is”, but it is also true that “Home is where the Art is”.


Architects : Ar. Abhishek Dabhi
Area : 3400 sq.ft.
Year : 2020
Website : https://www.instagram.com/prayoshaarchitects/?hl=en

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