
The world is changing rapidly, and so are people's lifestyles. We all tend to spend hours browsing through social media and OTT platforms. Why not use these same tools for some architectural upskilling? In this article, we bring to you a shortlist of some of the best YouTube channels for architecture students and professionals. 

Whether you’re looking for design inspiration or thinking about learning new software, these channels have them all. There are also ample YouTube videos on intriguing hot topics, news from across the globe and a lot more. In short, there’s something for everyone. 

Unlocking Architectural Inspiration: The Best YouTube Channels for Architecture Students

1. ArchDaily


ArchDaily is a prominent name in the world of architecture. This visual dictionary of architecture inspiration is one of the most visited architecture websites. 

Hence, its YouTube videos are a must-watch for collecting inspiration, curating case studies or simply listening to famous architects voicing their opinions. It is one of the best YouTube channels for architecture students, and professionals alike.

2. Dezeen


Originally, a popular architecture and design magazine Dezeen has expanded into the realm of YouTube. Its YouTube channel features cutting-edge designs from all across the globe. 

Right from large-scale architectural projects to simple designer products, this platform serves it all. It is one of the best ways to learn about design through a completely immersive experience.

3. Loiusiana Channel


Next on our list is a YouTube channel that is a utopia for all connoisseurs of art, architecture, literature, music, etc. Loiusiana channel is an extension of the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark. 

It features candid conversations with renowned architects where they discuss their philosophies in depth. This YouTube channel for architecture students is jam-packed with inspiration and admiration.

4. How to Architect?


Much like the name of the channel, How to Architect? delves deep into the know-how of the field. Authored by Doug Pratt, this is one of the best YouTube channels for architecture students. It guides one on any and every topic related to architecture. 

Right from whether a student should choose architecture in the first place, to guiding them on various subjects at architecture school. It also has videos about design styles, guides, architectural marvels, and a lot more.

5. Architectural Digest


Architectural Digest presents the best of architecture around the world. Their videos are a visual treat, from giving a sneak peek into lavish celebrity homes to taking through the journeys of designers. 

They always succeed in wooing their audience with one-of-a-kind content on design and architecture. This tasteful YouTube channel keeps everyone hooked. Architecture students can look it up for inspiration and to be mesmerized by the beauty of the field.

6. Harvard GSD


Couldn’t make it into Harvard but still want to learn from the prestigious institution? Well, you can! The Harvard Graduate School of Design has its own YouTube channel. 

This best YouTube channel for architecture students gives an insider look at the events in the pristine institute. From lectures by renowned architects to narratives of the students at the institute, the content is bound to help every architecture student.

7. Themodmin


Want to enhance your sketching skills? This YouTube channel is your answer. Themodmin is one of the only architecture channels that revolves around a rather essential skill which is architectural sketching. 

It's short yet informative videos cover various quick techniques and advice on how to enhance the visual communication of ideas.

8. 30x40 Design Workshop


Founded by architect and entrepreneur, Eric Reinholdt, this YouTube channel offers everything an architecture student needs. From sketching tutorials, and essays, to taking through the design process, the 30x40 Design Workshop can be your go-to guide. 

This resourceful channel is like your friendly personal tutor who has the answers to every archi-student problem.

9. Archi Hacks


It is important to keep up with the times, and this next channel helps architects do exactly that. Archi Hacks is run by an ex-OMA, BIG employee Bennett Oh. In his videos, Oh shares his hacks and tips on how to get into the big league firms. 

He also shares his valuable insights on what kind of skillset lets architects and designers remain relevant in today’s time, etc. The channel also features several tutorials on advanced software like Rhino and post-production rendering using Photoshop.

10. Show it Better


We all know that architectural graphics play an important role, not just in architecture school but also in professional life. Hence, it is crucial to show things in the best way possible. 

One of the best YouTube channels that helps in creating striking visual presentations, is Show it Better. The creators of this channel are architects with a deep passion for architectural representation.

11. Surviving Architecture


Surviving Architecture on YouTube is a thoughtful assortment of architecture tutorials for beginners. Here, the creator Rasha Shrourou gives hacks and tips on topics that are of great use to architecture students. 

Her friendly yet clear tone will remind you of a helping senior you never had. The content of this YouTube channel for architecture students revolves around topics like representation, visualisation, portfolios, etc. 

12. Upstairs


Architectural visualisation plays a key role in determining how a design is perceived. These professional and budding architects need to be able to represent their designs in the best way possible. One of the best architectural YouTube channels that can help you do that is Upstairs. 

Their step-by-step tutorials, courses, etc. make the mammoth task easy to master. Additionally, they also churn content like intriguing discussions, portfolio reviews, etc. which makes them popular amongst students. 

13. Land Space Architecture


If you’re someone with an interest in landscape architecture or are pursuing it already, this channel is for you. The tutorials on this channel help students create striking landscape drawings while providing tools for a smooth workflow. 

It's stunning presentations can make anyone fall in love with their drawings.  Who knows, they might even stir some interest in the field of landscape architecture! 

14. Sam-E-Studio


If you’re an absolute beginner who’s just about to start architecture school, this architectural channel is for you. The Sam-E-Studio covers everything from the absolute basics of architectural drawings to design software tutorials. 

However, the most unique aspect of this channel is its videos on architectural model-making. Their content is one-of-a-kind and insightful and will come in handy during architecture school. Additionally, this is one of the most popular Indian architecture channels on YouTube.

15. Blessed Arch


Another one of the best YouTube channels for architecture students in India is BlessedArch. The host and founder of the channel Rishabh Wadhwa is on a mission to uncover how design works. 

Right from complex buildings to the device that you’re reading this on, every design has its story. You’ll learn about these stories and a lot more on this YouTube channel. On the plus, the quirky style of delivery will also leave you entertained. 

We hope these YouTube channels help you get inspired, upskill and understand subjects better. You can also check out our YouTube channel for some scintillating architectural case studies and a lot more.

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Text provided by Namita Dhawan-
Namita Dhawan is an architect and a writer. She is extremely enthusiastic about architecture, design, history, research, and writing. She believes architecture is about power, it can provoke thoughts, and emotions, and control the actions of the users subtly.


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