
Who said learning was limited to Textbooks? Podcasts are the new textbooks, where lectures are fun and creatively perceived, and where knowledge is shared not only through texts but also through audio. The modern learning platforms are podcasts that are trending at a fast pace in today’s world. As an architect, one must know the top 10 famous podcasts that can help them increase their knowledge in today’s world. The world that surrounds us today is a fast-paced advancing world with new technology and innovations coming forward every day. Exchanging and sharing knowledge has become very easy and creative. It reaches even the remote areas of the world in no time. The best part about podcasts is that they can be heard while doing other mundane routine activities too. 

Architects are on a never-ending task of expanding their knowledge in all possible ways. Podcasts are a popular and modern way of learning for architects and designers. The demand for podcasts is increasing day by day. People are now listening to podcasts while driving, working, cooking, and multitasking with almost every routine activity.  Here are the top 10 famous architectural podcasts, every architect should listen to – 

1. 99% Invisible -


As the name suggests, 99% invisible talks about all the things that we cannot perceive or fail to think about. The podcast talks about the unnoticed architecture which also has an equal share in shaping our environment. Hosted by Roman Mars 99% Invisible is available online on the Website, iTunes, and on Soundcloud. The podcast explores ordinary topics about design happenings, hostile urban architecture, relationships with different spaces, details, and many more with its very own unnoticed perception.

2. Failed Architecture –


The architecture that is now surrounding us, does it entirely serve its purpose? The podcast is a combination of personal stories, research, and a reflection on the meaning of architecture in contemporary society. The conversations mostly focus on unconventional narratives that try to showcase the failed aspects of architecture that impact human society. Hosted by Foundation Failed Architecture aims to reconnect the real world to the world of architecture.

3. ArchiSpeak –


Since 2012, Evan Troxel, Neal Pann, and Cormac Phalen have been broadcasting their brand of real talk ranging from designs and tools to work-life balance, job hunting, and much more. ArchiSpeaks focuses on real-time evolving conversations for architecture professionals and students. The daily problems and solutions of being an architect.

4. DNA: Design and Architecture –


Specific to design and architecture Podcast hosted by Frances Anderton. It airs on a public radio station from Santa Monica, California. The podcast talks about a variety of architectural topics in today's time and also interviews architects and designers for their ideas for changing or bettering the city's infrastructural future. The best part about the DNA podcast is that there is something for all kinds of audiences.

5. GSAPP conversations –


Hosted by the Dean of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) – Amale Andraos, This Podcast investigates contemporary architectural interviews and discussions among the university’s professors and design students. This again is one creative method of knowledge sharing between architecture professionals and architecture students.

6. The Business of Architecture –


A very specific niche and probably the most asked question for architects. The relationship between architecture and business, which is still a topic unexplored in the education system is spoken about in this podcast. A podcast that focuses on strategies, expert advice, and secrets of business development and growth. This podcast may be the best podcast for young architecture professionals and students who aspire to open their own firm in architecture.

7. Scaffold –


Hosted by Matthew Butterfield, the podcast offers an audiobook for architectural case studies. A podcast that looks in depth into the minds and philosophies of different architects and their works. This podcast can be very useful for design architects and students in their academic design projects.

8. Young Architect Podcast –


The podcast is for the coming generation to indulge more and get inspired by the architectural world that there is. Michael Riscica, the host tries to create conversations between inspiring architecture professionals to inspire young students to help them in the academic and Initial phases of their careers.

9. Material Matters –


As the name suggests, this Podcast talks about the material plastic in particular. The host interviews different architects and designers and converses in depth with them about the materials. This is one of the best podcasts for architects willing to experiment with materials at the same time design innovatively.

10. About Buildings + Cities –


An educational architectural podcast hosted by British Architect Luke Jones and George Gingell where they cover topics about architectural history, and the world of architecture whilst also focusing on technology, film, and the future. A new creative way of lectures for architectural students where knowledge sharing becomes more fun.

Learning beyond books:

An architect way of learning is not only limited to textbooks, they learn from everywhere and anywhere. The world is their textbook and constant knowledge is the key to growing. Podcasts are a new trending way of learning that have captivated all our minds today. In today's world Podcasts have become an architect’s best friend. A platform where knowing anything and everything around the world about architecture is possible just by a click on the phone. These top-mentioned podcasts are the most famous podcasts for architecture. they cater to all design and architecture students as well as professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts. 

These top famous architecture podcasts educate the audience about the current affairs of the architectural world along with reasoning. The past, present, and future of architecture and how design impacts human behavior and its environment. Overall, podcasts are the upcoming mode of learning and knowledge sharing. These top 10 podcasts can be heard by laymen as well as audience with architectural background – that’s what make them so interesting and a platform for knowledge sharing. Podcasts are indeed the new textbooks. 

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Text provided by Pooja Gosar
An Architect aiming to redesign the idea of design. She believes that architecture is a story of built and unbuilt. The architecture we see is not the whole story, there are multiple layers to it. Pooja believes in unfolding these layers to the world and exploring architecture beyond perception.


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