A terrace and a balcony are often outward living spaces in homes. While these terms might be used interchangeably in table talks, there are a few differences between a terrace and a balcony. In this article, we will help you understand the meaning of the two terms and highlight the differences between them.

What is a Terrace?


By definition, a terrace is an open or raised area located to the side or on top of a building. These spaces can be attached or detached from a structure and can exist independently. The space could be paved or tiled, depending on its location. Terraces are often looked upon as spaces of social gatherings, however, originally they served as clothes-drying areas.



Terraces are often located on the top of a building or exist as raised platforms on the side. They need not be attached to a building. A terrace is simply an outdoor place. It can have multiple access points thus, lacking a defined entry and exit.



A terrace could span a few feet or can be as large as the entire building footprint. Terraces situated around a built form are often small in size. However, the ones on the top of the building are often large spaces designed for large gatherings. 



Terraces are either raised platforms or rooftop areas featuring paved or tiled surfaces. The ones on the ground may be seen with smaller bund walls while the ones on top are safeguarded with a parapet wall railing.

Spatially, a terrace functions as an outdoor living space that hosts gatherings and becomes the setting for leisure activities. Terraces tend to become spaces where one relaxes, performs activities like yoga, and sometimes uses as a spill-over space for parties, etc.

One can easily spice up the terrace, thereby making it fit for the most preferred use. Adding elements like a gazebo for shade, plants for a soothing touch of greens, benches for relaxing, etc. can make a terrace a favourite hang-out place. 

What is a Balcony?


A balcony is a platform jutting out of the side of the building. It is located on a higher plane or floor of a building and is always attached to a room. Like a terrace, this too acts like an outdoor living space. A balcony is often enclosed with a railing and is a prominent feature that makes or breaks the façade of a building.



A balcony is a platform located on the upper floors of a building. It is always attached to a façade and can hence be accessed through a defined entry and exit. Usually, a balcony only has a single door or French window as the access.



The size of a balcony is significantly smaller than that of a terrace. Since it is attached to a room, the space often extends just a few feet outside. The balcony in a bungalow tends to be larger than that in an apartment. In any case, these narrow extensions have limited usability as compared to a terrace.



Balconies are often projected out from existing floors and are generally cantilevered without vertical support from the bottom. Depending on the material it is made of, the extending platforms are supported with brackets, joists, or beams.

Balconies are also bound by a railing that adds a sense of enclosure to the space. These outward-looking spaces bring the outdoors inside the living areas. The nooks created on the balcony are ideal for enjoying a morning cup of coffee, for solo yoga sessions, etc.

A few easy ways to spice up the balcony to fit the preferred use include adding ambient light, refreshing greens, and dainty furniture. One can even plant a kitchen garden or add green walls to the balcony.

Difference between a Terrace and a Balcony


To summarize, the difference between a terrace and a balcony are the location, size and usability. A balcony is a platform on the upper floors and is enclosed by a railing. It is usually accessed through a single access point thus becoming a private outdoor extension of the room.

These narrow nooks are often a favourite place for residents as they bring a piece of outdoor inside the homes. They are often the most decorated spaces adorned with greens and cute bistro furniture.

A terrace on the other hand is a common area having multiple access points and isn’t connected to a room directly. It is an elevated platform located on the roof and is much larger as compared to a balcony.

Rooftop terraces nowadays are aptly used as a public space where people from the building gather and hang out. As buildings' heights, sore, and usable ground space decrease, these rooftop terraces are becoming the alternate grounds for all outdoor activities of the residents. Commercially, rooftop terraces are marketed as prestigious spaces where premium restaurants are thriving.

Both the terrace and balcony are outdoor spaces where living activities spill over. These spaces are a much-needed connection to the natural surroundings, creating a peaceful oasis overlooking the hustle and bustle of the city. Hence, these spaces continue to remain popular in houses and apartments, thereby increasing their real-estate value by up to 12%.

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Text provided by Namita Dhawan-
Namita Dhawan is an architect and a writer. She is extremely enthusiastic about architecture, design, history, research, and writing. She believes architecture is about power, it can provoke thoughts, and emotions, and control the actions of the users subtly.


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