A large part of our worlds workforce has been forced to work from within the confines of their home. Globally, as weave begun to lose more livelihoods than lives, lockdowns will soon end to reboot the world economy. As the world enters a dimension of coexistence with COVID-19, living and working while social distancing has now become the New Normal. The Blank Slate, a Mumbai-based architecture collaborative, recognized the need for workplaces to adapt to this ever-evolving pandemic, and has created an open source book that can help offices to quickly adapt their built spaces to the situation.

The biggest challenge workplaces are going to face is how they can adapt contemporary office layouts for physical distancing and prevent offices from becoming virus petri dishes.

The handbook is a cheat-sheet of affordable, easy-to-execute programmatic and design solutions that can be retrofitted into an existing office setting. The publication also contains a

Comprehensive set of social distancing measures that can be applied all across the maze that is an office space

Recommended set of safety solutions across an office space

Entrances need to be fortified against the pandemic as they're the first line of defense in a building

Elevators and Elevator lobbies are spaces that see a high density traffic. Surfaces like lift buttons are high-contact surfaces

Social distancing measures on a staircase and escalator

Snippet of our book. Social distancing measures in different typologies of a conference room

Snippet of our book: Virus-proofing your HVAC System

Social Distancing measures in an open office layout- Introduction of acrylic panels

Social Distancing measures in an open office layout- Alternate removal of chairs


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