The coronavirus pandemic situation has turned everything upside down including people’s trust in the spaces they used to visit on daily basis as well as their work places. It has presented a new challenge for every salon owner and manager to gain back the trust and convince people that their space is safe and hygienic.

All these challenges made us deep dive into finding design solutions for the new demands that Salon & Spa spaces will face while returning to the new normal of co-existence with the COVID-19 situation.

This will involve several proactive changes to not only take care of the new mandated protocols but also make the salon and spa interiors efficient, economic and welcoming.

With our extensive experience in Salon & Spa design and our research on consumer behaviour combined with the study of salon functions and new available technology and solutions in the market, Kaleido Architecture has compiled a guideline book which will help Salo

The most important step to gain your customers trust in this difficult time is to convey them the precaution measures taken by the salon in a friendly, nonintimidating and aesthetic way.

Customised signage for your brand will be an additional benifit as it will promote your brand as well as convey the post covid-19 measures taken by your salon.

Apart from conveying the sanitation and social distancing messages we also need to make the customer feel good and relaxed in this difficult and stressful siuation. For this it is important that we add a few customised encouraging and
cheerful quotes to lighten up their mood but still convey the message and enjoy their visit at the salon.

Now more so than ever managing and planning a smooth functioning and unhindered circulation of customer and employee movement will be of utmost importance. For which it will be wise to consult an expert who can suggest modifications to maximise the available space but maintain the social distancing protocols.

Modifying the existing furniture with required elements and replacing a few especially in the common areas in accordance with social distancing measures for a safe environment throughout the salon and spa.

Avoiding the common seatings and encouraging individual seatings to maintain the social distancing protocol. Also avoiding the furniture that is not necessary for your core business.
For eg. Magzine stands can be avoided or it can be put to another good use, to display the sanitizing products (masks, sanitizers, Gloves) to the clients.

By incorporating touch less technologies you are able to minimize the spread of germs and make sure you are taking care of everyone in your space.

You can incorporate these by having Sensor door for your main entrance. Various AI based systems can be introduced to enhance customer experience.

You can also provide key cards or gesture technology for spa room entrances and sensored taps in the restrooms to have touchless enviroment throughout the salon.

We can consider improving the air distribution system (indoor air quality) of the salon as a way to minimize the spread of viruses.
There are three ways to potentially mitigate airborne pathogens with a mechanical system: Filtration, Disinfection, or Ventilation.
From a design perspective for salon and spa, we can incorporate the filtration and the disinfection method, these different approaches typically overlap, and the right strategy depends on the HVAC system you are starting with.

To trap airborne particles, we need to review your current air filtration system, replace the existing filters and look at upgrading to a higher rated filter. For “hot-spots” such as lobbies, styling areas and restrooms consider adding stand-alone filtration units that are visible and will help make your mitigation efforts more apparent.

Another approach beyond filtration is to disinfect the air that is being conditioned. One of the most common disinfectant systems for HVAC uses UVC light to kill viruses in ductwork.

Hygiene also depends on the materials chosen when designing interiors, from floors to surfaces we tend to touch throughout the day. With this, it becomes imperative to conceive of interiors that help protect our health, choosing self-cleaning materials.

Introducing materials such as copper and its alloys, including brass, bronze and copper nickel, which have antimicrobial properties can help aid in cleanliness and design in a way that is easily disinfected.

1- The chairs can be covered with anitmicrobial covers or its upholstrey can be replaced with antimicrobial fabrics.
2- We can modify the furniture with antibaterial laminates.
3- Professional antibacterial glass can also used for partitions as it eliminates bacteria from the surface


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