
If you’re an architect and a movie buff or someone looking for a fun yet educational movie night, you’re at the right place. We’ve curated a list of the best movies architects should watch for their striking visual aesthetics or thought-provoking lessons that will leave you inspired.

Unleashing Architectural Inspiration: Movies Every Architect Should Watch

1. Blade Runner 1982


Blade Runner 1982 is a groundbreaking sci-fi film where architecture plays a key role in shaping the narrative. Set in a dystopian future in Los Angeles, the plot of the movie revolves around inventions such as replicants and cyborgs.  These human-made species are in search of shelters to sustain themselves in the seemingly brutalist city.

The striking visuals of the city architecture are a combination of noir mixed with cyberpunk aesthetic styles. This movie is a must-watch for every architect as it explores the power architecture has over the lives of people. Centrally, it depicts how the large-scale steel-stone structures symbolize power and oppression over humans and humanoids.

2. The Grand Budapest Hotel


As the title of the movie suggests, this Wes Anderson masterpiece features the hotel's architecture as the main character. The comic and dramatic movie uses its intricately curated sets to define the plot of the movie. These sets are representative of traditional European architecture with grand scale, vibrant hues, intricate ornamentation, symmetrical compositions, etc.
The film is a visual treat for every architect and designer. Additionally, it also explores the idea of using architecture as a metaphor for society. This idea is conveyed through the classicism in the hotel building, with the upper floors being reserved for the wealthy while the lower ones are dedicated to the working class.

3. Ex-Machina


If you’re an architect and a tech geek, this next movie is for you! Ex-Machina is a sci-fi movie that features a ground-breaking architectural aesthetic. Set in the futuristic yet minimalist house of a tech CEO, the movie has a spectacular visual language. The plot of the movie revolves around understanding the nature of the human-like android Ava.
Through the conjunction of technology and sophistication, the movie captivates the viewers and keeps them hooked with its appealing visuals. The architecture here plays a vital role in amplifying the conflict between the man-made and the natural. This conflict translates into the portrayed built-form with the use of glass, and steel against wood and stone and how architecture blends with the surrounding. 

4. Her


Wondering what the future architecture and urban realm look like? Watch ‘Her’ as it portrays a rather believable futuristic world. The main plot of the movie is based on a man who falls in love with a virtual assistant like today’s Siri or Alexa. This central idea of the movie is supported by the architectural setting it takes place.

The corporate office and culture are similar to today's with slightly more minimalism and the addition of technology. The imagined future infuses the current style with technology, directly hinting towards the direction in which the world is heading.

5. The Fountainhead


Going back to the classics, this movie is perhaps the best movie where the architect is the protagonist. Based on Ayn Rand’s book of the same name, this movie has a lot to offer. The protagonist, Howard Roark is portrayed as a stubborn yet genius architect who refuses to take commissions that don’t align with his indigeneity.
His stark ideas go against the conventional monotonous buildings and are strong exhibits of individualism. On the plus, the movie’s black-and-white aesthetic and the radical approach of the architect make it a must-watch for all the creative geniuses out there.

6. High Rise


High Rise is a tale of classism in society, where a high-rise tower becomes the medium for portraying the two extreme biases. The story takes place in a residential tower that has the wealthy people placed at the top and the less-wealthy class at the bottom. The protagonist is the architect who places himself above all.

However, the story takes a tragic turn when the services start failing, leading to the breakdown of the residents. This puts the architect on a pedestal, yet he refuses to take responsibility for his design and ends up eliminating himself from the chaotic dynamic. It is an intriguing story that makes one question the way modern architecture increases disparity in society and gives food for thought to all architects out there.

7. Midnight in Paris


If you’re in search of a light-hearted movie with a phenomenal architectural backdrop, this movie is for you. Here, the city of love is more than a setting of love, instead, it becomes the subject of love. The romantic storyline is based on a soon-to-be-married writer who takes a stroll in the city and ends up falling in love with it.

This wonder work by Woody Allen depicts Paris and European architecture in its utmost magnificence, grandeur and glamour. The striking visuals of the movie and its dramatic plot make this movie a must-watch for every architect.

8. Inception


A one-of-a-kind movie which is also Christopher Noland’s masterpiece is Inception. This unconventional sci-fi movie is based on dreamscapes. The characters here have the potential to travel in others’ dreams and alter them. Although, this may not seem like an architectural movie, the visuals depicted in the dreams are intricately detailed and sometimes in an out-of-the-box fashion.  

The underlying catch here for architects and designers is how society perceives and remembers physical spaces. For example, the navigation in the dreams occurs in alleys or stairways that are essential circulation zones. This movie is a must-watch for architects and designers as it is unconventional, mind-bending and pushes the limit to think beyond the norms.

9. Parasite


A record-breaking film, Parasite is a must-watch for every architect. Known for its depiction of the duality existing between the rich and the poor. Here, architecture is used as a medium to portray this disparity between classes.

The shiny sophisticated mansions of the rich v/s and the stingy cottages of the working that lack basic facilities shed light on the contrasting lives the two live. It is a classic tale of power and oppression depicted through the lens of architecture.

10. Columbus


The city of Columbus is known for its modernist architecture. Likewise, the movie Columbus brings this famous architecture into the spotlight. Here, architecture is not just a contributing factor to the plot, instead, the movie is about architecture and how society experiences it. The protagonists are a man and woman who meet and fall in love in Columbus.

The man who is also an architect is in awe of the spectacular architecture, whereas the woman is indifferent about it. This difference of opinions leads to candid conversations and explorations on the role of architecture and its impacts on people’s lives. On the whole, this movie has a lot to offer.

Right from the dystopian world of Blade Runner to the picturesque visuals of Columbus, this list of must-watch movies for architects covers it all. Whether you’re looking for a light-hearted visual retreat or understanding the impact of architecture, these movies are bound to leave you inspired.

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Text provided by Namita Dhawan-
Namita Dhawan is an architect and a writer. She is extremely enthusiastic about architecture, design, history, research, and writing. She believes architecture is about power, it can provoke thoughts, and emotions, and control the actions of the users subtly.


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