Road Less Traveled


Completely online! This is part of our remote learning initiative. You can join the lecture series from home or wherever you are.

06/04/2020 - 14/04/2020

Architecture is a vast and multilayered discipline, that can open up paths to various career options. There is no single "correct" way of being an architect, no straight path or formula to follow.

The Road Less Traveled lecture series brings together, on a single platform, nine professionals from different parts of the world, who have been educated as architects and took a detour to talks the untrodden road, carving out unconventional career paths in related fields.

Each of them is an architect +

Each speaker will give a 25-minute live talk and presentation, followed by a 15-minute interactive Q+A session.

. 6 April 12pm IST | 6am GMT Shriti Das | Mumbai, India | “Project Prose”
. 7 April 12pm IST | 6.30am GMT Manish Paul Simon | Bangalore, India | “Learn, Teach, Grow”
. 8 April 1pm IST | 7.30am GMT Asna Moazzam Khan | Dubai, UAE | “Weaving a Narrative from Design to Real Estate”
. 9 April 8pm IST | 3.30pm GMT Miguel Miranda-Montes | San Juan, Puerto Rico | “From 2D to 3D: From Designer to Entrepreneur”
10 April 12pm IST | 4.30am GMT Vikrant Singh | Auckland, New Zealand | “The Impossible in Architecture”
11 April 3pm IST | 9.30am GMT Amir Equbal | New Delhi, India | “Design, Culture + Faith”
12 April 12pm IST | 6.30am GMT Sneha Kesiraju | Hyderabad, India | “Interdisciplinary Role of an Architect in Urban Development”
13 April 3pm IST | 9.30am GMT Meiru Diaz | Madrid, Spain | “Skills and Scales”
14 April 12pm IST | 6.30am GMT Sri Rekha Mavulati | Hyderabad, India | “A Journey Towards Sustainable Development”


Construction workers and laborers are the backbone of the construction industry, without whom it would be impossible to build. Unfortunately, due to the necessary lockdown measures to contain the spread of COVID-19, many migrant workers, day laborers and construction workers have been adversely impacted and rendered all but homeless overnight. Thousands of migrant workers and their families have been stranded with no work, no source of income, no food, no access to toilets or homes, and are left with no choice but to travel to their hometowns on foot, a dangerous journey, as public transport has been shut down. In order to provide relief to these workers and their families, many local initiatives and volunteers are working together to prepare meals and supply rations.

Though the coronavirus is deadly and fatal virus, even in times of normalcy, tens of thousands of people lose their lives due to hunger, a deadlier virus. We at DesignAware have started a social media campaign to collect funds from interested donors and channel them to volunteers working to help the lesser privileged, to #StarveTheHungerVirus.

Fees collected via the Road Less Traveled lecture series will be used towards helping volunteers in this effort. The speakers will also share charitable organizations or initiatives they would like to support that are working towards COVID-19 relief efforts.

What else?

_Each participant will receive a printable DIY GeoDesk 2020 calendar.

_On completion of the event, you will receive a digital official participation certificate signed and stamped by the international award-winning architecture firm, DesignAware and each of the speakers.

Good to know:
_By purchase of a ticket you are entitled to attend all 1, 3, 6 or 9 lectures (as selected) in the Road Less Traveled lecture series.
_One ticket is only good for one login.
_Part of the proceeds of your ticket will be donated to charitable organizations or volunteers working towards relief efforts during the COVID-19 outbreak in various countries.
_This is not a design, computation or software workshop. Design presentations will be given live by architects, followed by a live Q+A and interactive session.
_Attendance is the responsibility of the participant, and they must make prior arrangements to be online during the scheduled talks.
_DesignAware shall not be held responsible for connectivity issues or technical difficulties faced by attendees on their end, if instructions are not followed properly.
_Fee once paid will be non-refundable under any circumstances other than the below.
_You are entitled to a refund in case the entire event is cancelled.
_There is no refund or partial refund in case you face connectivity or technical issues from your end. the event is postponed or 1-2 speakers do not present or reschedule their talks.
_There is no full or partial refund in case you are unable to attend any or all of the talks for whatever reason not under the control of DesignAware.
_If you require more information before registering and paying the fee, email us at [email protected] with "Road Less Traveled" in the subject line. If you are a previous participant of the Fractals Workshop or _studio to site_ please email us for details on special discount codes.

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